Thatcham Roller Disco

Header image for the Roller Disco activity.

Thatcham Roller Disco launched in March 2014 and has quickly established itself as a popular monthly event.

Sessions are held at Kennet Leisure Centre, in the sports hall.

First session runs from 3.30pm to 4.40pm and the second session runs from 4.55pm to 6.05pm.

Admission costs £7.00 per skater when booked online, £8.00 on the door, which includes skate hire, or you can bring your own. Online ticket sales to prebook places are available from

There’s also a spectating area for those not wishing to have a go!

Skates are available from child size 9 up to large adult sizes.

Come and join the fun!

A big thank you to Thatcham Town Council who provide funding annually so we are able to run this activity. 


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